
One of the chapters in this project features a card game, with a theme of the supernatural.  At this stage the aim is to create a short battler game that links with other chapters in the book, and gives a hint to the direction the game is headed in. I set myself a challenge to formulate this idea before the end of the month, to tie in with CryptidJam - deadlines are useful!  One of the things I've found interesting during the creation of this project is research. I've been using the British Library a lot for this - heading down to their reading rooms to trawl through back copies of Smash Hits and The Face pop  magazines from around 1982, and old copies of Misty comic. They've been such an inspiration for how this project is taking shape. More recently I've been there researching creatures and cryptids in folklore and mythology. The starting point for this was identifying the sort of supernatural creature I wanted to feature, and also identifying supernatural images from the British Library Flickr site I could freely use in the project. There are millions of images to choose from, but I needed ones that had a similar hand drawn style. I've got the majority of images I need now, plus much of the text background to these supernatural creatures, and now I'm creating the cards. Here's a taster of what they currently look like.

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