A short retro style 3D puzzle narrative fantasy terror game.

Thanks to Adam Le Doux for creating the original Bitsy engine

Thanks to aloelazoe for creating 3D Bitsy

How to play

  • Visit each of the watchers in the other 3 lighthouses to tell them the news. Return home to prepare. Discover the tale along the way.
  • You can only move to an adjacent tile if it matches the colour or symbol of the tile you are standing on.
  • Move using the arrow keys.
  • Interact with the lighthouses using the arrow keys.

TIP: Once you get to the tile either to the left or right of the other lighthouses make sure you interact with the lighthouse by walking into it.

Music by me, & available on Soundcloud.

End screen digitised from an image in The British Library Flickr account (spoiler). 


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I'm not sure I got the rules as it seemed I could move to any tile? Also I went back by mistake after going to the second screen and I couldn't go back again (although I'm not sure if I was in the same 1st screen as there were no trees anymore?).

Absolutely loved the aesthetic and the idea. And the music is amazing, love the t h i c c synths


Thanks for playing. :) You can move to any tile without any immediate consequences. The consequences are later on down the line - if you take the wrong path, when you reach a lighthouse the dialogue changes (basically you've lost the game).

Oops! Looks like you found a bug as well when moving between the different rooms. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to sort that out.

Thanks for the thumbs up for the rest of it. :)